This is my journal on documenting love, finding joy, and living life to the fullest. I'm so glad you're here, and hope you enjoy your stay!

This is my journal on documenting love,
finding joy, and living life to the fullest. I'm so glad you're here, and hope you enjoy your stay!

HELLO, I'm JENNIFER! welcome to MY blog!








Things I Missed

Filed in: Personal

We safely arrived back last week in Greenville from our three-week trip abroad. From the get go, we said that the trip was more of an adventure than a vacation because with the itinerary we had planned out there wasn’t much time for relaxation. Traveling to another country offers many more fulfilling things though and I’m so thankful for the experience. Of course, when you put a photographer in a place where everything is so beautiful and inspiring means that a LOT of photos will be taken. I just started uploading and looking through the ones I took and I miss it already. Maybe I can convince B to go back again soon?! Until then, here are some of the things I will miss about Europe and what I missed about home.

Things I Miss about Europe

– being able to easily walk everywhere or take the subway/train

– indulging in the most decadent food I’ve ever seen…even their coffee is pretty!

– the fresh fruit/veggie stands on almost every corner and the awesome markets

– being immersed in Old World cities full of history, art, and culture

Things I Missed about Home

– ice cold drinks (they don’t have ice at all over there!)

– cheap sodas (one bottle of Coke cost around $3.50)

– easy access to internet and email (we are very spoiled with that over here!)

– family and friends (it was hard not talking to them for so long)

– My name is Jennifer and I am a workoholic. It’s true…I missed working! But being back now, corresponding with my couples again, and meeting new ones gets me that much more excited for wedding season to begin. It’s going to be an exciting year and I can’t wait to get started next week!


More vacation photos to come soon!!!


comments +

  1. lauren says:

    yay!! so excited that you’re going to put pictures up :) i cannot wait to see it all.

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